A 1-day climate-action accelerator for courageous teams.

In service to life on earth.

The 6th assessment report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC ) is our final warning - we no longer have time to wait, to assess, to consider. 

At the same time, the UK is now one of the most nature-depleted nations in the world.

These issues are interconnected, the climate crisis is an ecological crisis, is a social crisis. There is no business to be done on a dead planet. It is time for all organisations, in all sectors to respond, to take action.

This invitation is not about net zero targets, pledges or sustainability strategies.

What’s yours to do is about finding unique ways for your organisation to participate in halting the destruction of our living world - today.

Join us for one day, in nature, in a place near you.

Become part of an emerging movement from multiple sectors who are all beginning to ask - ‘what does it mean to practice a profession in a time of planetary crisis’? 

Turn difficult questions into possibilities and anxieties into mindful action.

Step into service.

Wherever you are.


1 day to connect with what’s yours to do in response to planetary crises.

Who’s it for?

This is an offering for courageous organisations, ready to step into service to life on Earth.

You work in any sector and in any location (within the UK). You might be in the early stages of working out how your organisation responds to planetary crises or you may be looking to deepen & develop new ways to respond.

What’s important is your willingness and humility to work with the big questions and discomfort of these times; collectively as a team and at an individual level. 

How does it work?

We will curate and guide a 1-day (un)learning adventure for your team. 

It will take place in nature near a place you call home.

The day will support you to take positive actions through a process of connection, reflection, remembering and imagining.

A playful, creative, connecting and meaningful experience.

You’ll leave with clarity & a commitment to what’s yours to do in response to the planetary crises unfolding around us.

We’d be a great fit if you…

  • are feeling concerned or confused about the role of your profession in these times

  • hold deep questions about the scale and speed of responses needed

  • are looking for alternative lenses to explore these challenges through

  • want to begin to cultivate regenerative practices & ways of being in your teams

  • want to develop connected & rooted teams who are ready to respond

  • see imagination, courageous creativity and ability to be with uncertainty as key qualities of resilient organisations

  • understand this moment in time as an opportunity to step into service

Join us to:

  • Build resilience as we work with discomfort & the big questions of these times

  • Root into your locality- explore how you can step into service, here & now

  • Develop practices for resourcing yourself for mindful action

  • Cultivate commitment to sustain action in service to life on Earth

What’s Yours to do ?

Arrange a 1-day climate action accelerator for your team

What others say about us

"I feel really lucky to have experienced this.

By changing the pace, spending time in nature, and learning without any use of PowerPoint, we were able to build trust and a shared commitment to make a difference.”

Alison MacKenzie, Head of Marketing, Boston Tea Party

“This allowed us to connect with what really matters and imbued a sense of determination to get it done, as a collective. By going on this journey together, we were able to accept the complexity and interconnectedness of the challenges we face and build trust to make effective decisions as a team.”

Sam Roberts, CEO & Founder, Boston Tea Party

"What a superb and supportive experience this has been. Thank you for this emerging space you are creating.

Expertly led and truly regenerative practice."

Janine Barron, Regenerative Business Mentor

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