Community Solo for Teams

How might your organisation evolve by learning to think like nature works?

Join our 4-week online adventure for teams to:



root into place, locally through creative nature connection practices



develop practices & habits to tune into the wider, natural intelligence. Explore big questions or organisational challenges through an inter-connected, ecological lens



through myth, story, creativity & group reflective practices

Community Solo is a 5 week online guided adventure with an intentional, solo time in nature for your team. The time in nature is done remotely, meaning each of you will be exploring your own local wild spaces. For a detailed flow of the experience download an info pack below or book a chat with one of us.

How does it work?

Wondering if this is for you? Book a chat with Mark, Dan or Evva.

What will you receive

3 x online gatherings to prepare for Nature Solo

Explore the individual & organisational challenges/intentions we wish to bring on our Solo time

Introduce practices to support reflection, deep listening & nature connection during our Solo time

Learn in community of fellow travelers, in a relational & experiential way

Nature Solo Threshold Walk (locally, where you are)

We work with the age-old idea of taking our questions, ideas and challenges out onto the land through a Threshold Walk experience

Learn how to prepare for Threshold Walk including ceremony making, choosing your spot & safety guidance

2 x online gatherings to return & integrate

2 x online guided sessions to bring the stories & insights from our Nature Solo back to the community & begin the process of integrating them into our work & lives.

Recognising the seeds of potential we’re tending and galvanizing ourselves through reflection & intention, for transformation in service to life on earth.

Why join?

Nurture team resilience

Connect deeply as a team tap into the collective wisdom within your organisation, and practice new ways of being to cultivate regenerative futures.

Learn to embody regenerative principles

Explore what you might learn from how nature works through intentional time with/in nature. Moving beyond sustainability towards regeneration as a design principle.

Stoke courageous creativity

Re-imagine organisational and individual challenges through nature-centred lenses, expand your team’s wild imagination, and cultivate knowing through head, heart & hands.

What others say about Community Solo

A profound and nourishing experience generously hosted and facilitated by Evva, Mark and Dan with beauty, insight and love.”

Ann Weber Carlsen

It's the space I've been looking for to feel, reflect, connect and hibernate. Community Solo, for me, has revealed strength in community, nature, and being. It's amplified my innate craving to become a human being, not a human doing, and has led me to a collective heartbeat.”

Amelia Crew

“Dan, Evva, and Mark very gently guide us down into the soul. Into a place where we can meet each other in authenticity, care, and attention. A much needed, slow space full of magic; a beautiful clearing in the woods.”

David Hoogland

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